Press circle → Cut on the new file, and paste it back in the original directory. It will automatically copy and combine all of the other split files into one file. 666#) file → Cut, browse to another folder and press circle → Paste. Simply press circle on the first split file (.#. If you had to split large files or packages in order to move them on a FAT32 device, or running a "Test" on a game reports back split files, you can put them back together with Multiman.

Select+R1: Go back to Multiman's game menu.Start+R2: Take a screenshot (saved to root of USB device, or root of /dev_hdd0/).Start+Select: Go back to Multiman's main menu.Right Analog Stick: Move current window.Left Analog Stick: Move cursor (can swap left and right stick actions in settings).To quickly access or exit it, hold Select, then press Start. Multiman's file manager will allow you directly move files around on your PS3. Switch views with R1 and L1, jump between File Manager and Backup Manager by holding Select, then Start. Square and Triangle will bring up different options for whatever you have selected (circle in the File Manager).

The primary view of MultiMan is the XMMB view, which controls identical to the XMB.